Feb 07, 2019 With no security updates available for older versions of MySQL, this now makes MySQL useless on anything but macOS 10.13 High Sierra or later. Thus, given the awful state of macOS Server, your days of running a decent macOS Server with MySQL are now numbered. Time to start testing alternate operating systems and switch. MySQL Workbench Tutorial: MySQL Workbench & its Functionalities. MySQL Workbench is a designing or a graphical tool, which is used for working with MySQL servers and databases. This tool compatible with the older server 5.x versions and does not support the 4.x server versions. The functionalities of MySQL Workbench are as follows.
See changelog for 6.3.10 version
Tested on:
macOS Sierra
Version 10.12.3 (16D32)
Workbench 6.3.9
Version 6.3.9 build 10690321 CE (64 bits) Community----> OK
Download: MySQL Workbench 6.3.9
Packages for Sierra (10.12) are compatible with El Capitan (10.11) and are Yosemite (10.10)
Changelog: among others...
Does anybody know of any compatibility issues or quirks with MySQL Community Server/Workbench on macOS Sierra? I recently did an installation on a Mac that had never held MySQL before and it doesn't seem to be working correctly. (Now maybe I just set it up wrong, but the since the installer offers no advanced options that doesn't seem to be the case.)
I can create schemas and tables, but when I go to actually query the table nothing happens. The activity indicator spins endlessly. I took a look at Activity Monitor and it doesn't show mysqld
actually doing anything—the whole setup just appears to be deadlocked. Any ideas?
Here's what I'm trying to use:
I got same problem on 'macOS 10.12.3' installed 'MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for Mac OS X version 6.3.8 CE build 1228 (64 bit)'. It's always not responding after working around I found that problem comes from MSQL Workbench is set 'Default Target MySQL Version' wrong version.
Step 1: open Terminal and check your MYSQL Server version
My machine:
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.9, for osx10.9 (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
Step 2: Open MySQL Workbench tool then go to 'MYSQLWorkbench' near Apple icon on menu
Step 3: Workbench Preferences -> Modeling -> MySQL -> Default Target MySQL Version: 5.6
Step 4: Change current default from 5.6 into 5.7.9 then OKStep 5: MYSQLWorkbench -> Quit -> Open and check result.
Hope this help someone.