Feb 21, 2016 Sorry - I assumed that you had to stay with 10.5.8. The usual reason is when using a PowerPC Mac, such as a G4 or G5 Mac. Those cannot be upgraded to any newer OS X version That solution that I posted, with the PPC version of a nice web browser, is designed for those that want, or need to stay with PPC versions. Mar 17, 2015 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10102) AppleWebKit/600.3.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.3 Safari/600.3.18. This tells the web server that this particular user is running Safari 8 on a Mac running OS X 10.10.2. It will obviously be different per the operating system and web browser.
Internet Explorer is a Microsoft browser for their operating system of Windows, there hasn't been a Mac version in ages.
You have the following choices since Windows is used by nearly all businesses and governments, if working there you will have to learn how to use it eventually to advance.
1: Use a Windows machine temporaily which has IE by default.
2: Install Windows into a virtual machine program or into Apple's BootCamp and use IE there.
3: Find out if the website accepts a alternate browser like Firefox or Chrome, then install that into OS X and use it to access the site. Since Firefox is cross platform (OS X, Windows and Linux) and supports all major operating systems in circulation it might make the best option for websites to conform to that, than Safari or Chrome.
I REALLY don't advise installing Chrome or any Google software, because Google and it's add-ons track people and the sites they visit. Their software is rather hard to uninstall, installs a root level auto-updater also.
If you need to uninstall Chrome or it's root level updater, the link instructions are in here.
Google root level auto-updater: to uninstall that (provided you have no Google software on the machine)
Some sites are IE exclusive because it's doing a bit more, which you have little other choice but #1 or #2 above.
I suggest #2, why? Because your looking for work and employers need people trained in their system and they choose Windows.
Since a Mac can run Windows, might as well at least remain functional in it's use, although you prefer to use OS X at home.
I do suggest Windows 7, as businesses have standardized on that and not on Windows 8 yet.
Good luck. 🙂
Oct 22, 2013 9:02 AM